Ahnert Feistel Media Group

Located in Berlin, Germany, AFMG® Technologies GmbH has created the industry standards EASE and EASERA software for acoustic simulation and measurement as well as their related products EASE Focus, AFMG SysTune, EASE Address and EASE SpeakerLab.

In cooperation with our partner company SDA Software Design Ahnert GmbH we develop and distribute software for:

Electro-acoustic and
room-acoustic modeling
Electronic and acoustic
Applications in
engineering and physics
RF and infrared

Does FIRmaker require on-site measurements?

No, FIRmaker is using high-resolution loudspeaker modeling data to simulate the performance of the system. Based on that FIRmaker computes optimal FIR filters for each DSP channel. Extensive tests in the field have shown that the accuracy of the simulation predicts system performance better than measurable differences of the real setup.

On-site measurements e.g. with SysTune or EASERA can, of course, be performed additionally to refine the performance and align the array to other parts of the sound system.

EASE Address Upgrade History


EASE Address  v1.1.221


Bug fix for exporting rooms to EASE 4.


EASE Address  v1.1.220


Minor Update and Bug Fixes

  • The software now supports file associations in order to automatically load a project file (*.ead) upon start-up.
  • Improved memory management.
  • Bug fix for Apple computers with M1 processors.
  • Improvements for author file management.
  • Updated example loudspeaker data.


AFMG SoundFlow Upgrade History



AFMG SoundFlow v1.0.150


Minor Update

  • Updated installer with AFMG publisher certificate and current EULA.
  • Minor bug fixes.


AFMG SoundFlow v1.0.140


Minor Update

Small improvements:

  • Perforated absorbers and plates: Height or width of slits can now be up to 3 m.
  • Internal improvements for end correction of perforated layers.


AFMG SoundFlow v1.0.130


EASE Evac Upgrade History




EASE Evac v2.0.60


Minor Update

  • Updated installer with AFMG publisher certificate.
  • Minor Bugfixes


EASE Evac v2.0.40


Minor Update

Small improvements:

  • Calculated power consumption rounded to one decimal when < 10 W.

Minor Bugfixes


EASE Evac v2.0.30


Minor Update
