AES New York 2023
Oct 25 - 27 2023

Join us at the upcoming AES convention in New York for two presentations:
- Tutorial “Acoustical simulation and calculation techniques for small- and medium-size spaces” by Dirk Noy1, Wolfgang Ahnert2, Stefan Feistel3;
- Paper "Using high-resolution directivity data of musical instruments for acoustic simulation and auralization" by Stefan Feistel3, David Ackermann4, and Stefan Weinzierl4.
Additional information will be provided through the AES Convention Program website.
1: WSDG Switzerland
2: ADA-AMC, a WSDG Company, Berlin, Germany
3: AFMG Technologies GmbH, Berlin, Germany
4: Audio Communication Group, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Jacob Javits Convention Center
429 11th Ave
New York, NY, 10001
United States
Event link