
Validation and optimization of immersive sound reinforcement concepts using acoustic simulation tools (Paper)


"Validation and optimization of immersive sound reinforcement concepts using acoustic simulation tools", paper presented at the German Acoustic Society (DAGA: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik), 2024 March 20, Hannover, Germany.

Link to the paper in the DAGA Online Library. (The paper is written and published in German)

Stefan Feistel, Emil Köppen, Wolfgang Ahnert
AFMG Technologies, Berlin, Germany

The flexible control of the localization of sound sources as well as the spatial perception and acoustic envelopment of the listener has been a recurring requirement in event and concert acoustics for decades. In recent years, the importance of immersive sound reinforcement and room acoustics has increased significantly due to new, integrated loudspeaker and signal processing concepts. The spatial distribution, alignment and control of the loudspeakers and microphones as well as the room acoustic characteristics of the venue play a central role here. With acoustic simulation software such as EASE, important design aspects can be planned and optimized prior to installation. These include the choice and arrangement of direct sound loudspeakers to enable a smooth transition in the reproduction of all desired positions of virtual sources, the level and delay-correct amplification of natural sources by the loudspeaker system with regard to their localization, as well as the density of room loudspeakers to create an artificial diffuse field. These tasks also include the control of the apparent sound source width via the laterally incident sound components, the placement of stage and room microphones to record and generate reflections and reverberation, and the exact reproduction of natural sound sources, such as musical instruments and singers, in the simulation. In addition to the discussion of these planning focal points using practical examples, the possibilities, limitations and uncertainties of the method are highlighted.

Practical benefits
The paper allows professionals to enhance their immersive (spatial) system designs by introducing new techniques based on EASE acoustic simulation tools. From cinemas to museums, from art installations to music venues, the new EASE tools provide a powerful reference for designing any type of multichannel, surround, full-dome, grid, or other multi-speaker configurations with room acoustics taken into account.

DAGA Paper: Validation and optimization of immersive sound reinforcement concepts using acoustic simulation tools
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