AFMG Supports Customers and Partners During the Covid-19 Crisis
The situation caused by Covid-19 and its unpredictable consequences lead to difficult times in our industry. In this special situation AFMG® has adopted a decentralized structure and will keep operating normally. We are open for your requests and concerns. We will continue to provide you with the best sales and support service.
Currently you can reach the AFMG Team preferably via email.
Your requests will be answered as soon as possible – usually within a working day. If you are looking for local support and purchasing options, you will find an overview on how to reach our regional distributors here.
Both 2020 tradeshows at which we usually exhibit, Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt, Germany, as well as InfoComm in Las Vegas, USA, have been officially cancelled. AFMG will be using alternative channels to keep you informed about ongoing activities with respect to EASE 5, including the EASE 5 Early Adopter Program, and others.
Adjusting to the current situation, AFMG is also working on various measures to support our customers e.g. those working in a home office or those wishing to spread out an investment into AFMG software. AFMG will also look for ways to provide online training and educational opportunities to interested customers who have available time right now.
Let’s keep in touch!

Make sure that you stay up-to-date with respect to next steps that will be announced soon.
- Follow us on Facebook
- Keep watching our news on the AFMG Home Page
- Make sure that you have registered for AFMG News
Feel free to contact us via email. The AFMG Team will gladly take care of your concerns.
Content last updated on: 11.11.2021