Ahnert Feistel Media Group

Located in Berlin, Germany, AFMG® Technologies GmbH has created the industry standards EASE and EASERA software for acoustic simulation and measurement as well as their related products EASE Focus, AFMG SysTune, EASE Address and EASE SpeakerLab.

In cooperation with our partner company SDA Software Design Ahnert GmbH we develop and distribute software for:

Electro-acoustic and
room-acoustic modeling
Electronic and acoustic
Applications in
engineering and physics
RF and infrared

EASE Training

Nov 23 2021 | 9am - Dec 3 2021 | 6pm

Official course of EASE 4.4. dictated by Boutique Pro Audio and Psicoacústica, divided in several modules, with certificate approved by the manufacturer and designer of EASE Acoustic Simulation: Ahnert Feistel Media Group.

Prolight & Sound 2022

Apr 26 - 29 2022

AFMG will not be participating Prolight & Sound in 2022.

We will re-evaluate our presence at events in Europe during the next year and decide about 2023 and later shows after that.

To stay informed about our next marketing activities, please make sure to be registered for AFMG News and use our contact form to get in touch for any requests.

EASE Training

Nov 29 - Dec 3 2021

Level 1 EASE Training, 29 November - 1 December, 2021

Participation fee (3 days) - Regular Price: 78.210 RUB net*

This 3-day seminar covers an overview of EASE and the basics of room modeling and sound system design. The EASE database, mapping results and visualization functions will be discussed as well. An introduction is given into auralisation and post-processing of calculation results. Case studies are presented and interpreted.


Level 2 EASE Training, 2 - 3 December, 2021

Participation fee (2 days) - Regular Price: 52.140 RUB net*

EASE Compact Training

Dec 7 2021 | 10am - Dec 10 2021 | 6pm

Dies ist eine online Live-Veranstaltung, die sich über vier Tage in Folge erstreckt und sich auf den Enhanced Acoustic Simulator for Engineers (EASE) konzentriert.

Dieses kompakte Training umfasst 24 Stunden Live-Sitzungen auf Deutsch.

Jeder Tag der vier Tage ist in vier gleiche Live-Sessions unterteilt, die jeweils 90 Minuten lang sind.


EASE Training

Sep 7 2021 | 10:30am - 4pm


A. Modules

To improve flexibility, we have organized the upcoming online EASE® training in a series of modules that can be configured in different ways to cover the topics needed by the attendee. See a description of each module below.