"EASE 5 is a big step forward. The completely new user interface combined with lots of useful tools and further improved simulation modules allow for much more intuitive and effective workflows."
Ahnert Feistel Media Group
Located in Berlin, Germany, AFMG® Technologies GmbH has created the industry standards EASE and EASERA software for acoustic simulation and measurement as well as their related products EASE Focus, AFMG SysTune, EASE Address and EASE SpeakerLab.
In cooperation with our partner company SDA Software Design Ahnert GmbH we develop and distribute software for:
room-acoustic modeling
engineering and physics
Latest News and Updates
EASE 5 - Module Training
EASE 5 - Training
The final date still needs to be confirmed. Further details to follow soon.
Free Webinar - Accurate Room Modeling with EASE 5
The one and half hour discussion will focus on how to enter room geometry using EASE 5 light-weight editor with minimum error and appropriate detail level.
The webinar information and registration link will be released on February 21st, 2025.
EASE 5 - Essential Training
The 3-day EASE 5 training will cover all important features in EASE 5 JR and Standard, with particular focus on room modeling and understanding of acoustic calculations. The course is designed for new EASE users as well as EASE 4 users.
A full feature evaluation software license will be provided so attendees can explore the software fully, even if they own a simpler version, or don’t own the software yet.
EASE 5 Webinar - Reverberation Time Prediction with EASE 5
The one and half hour discussion themed on reverberation time calculation with the latest EASE 5 Third Edition, including calculation background, acquiring wall material data and treatment to special boundary conditions. Highlighted new features of EASE 5 Third Edition, like visually calibrating room RT to measurement, and the Acousteer real-time engine will also be well demonstrated.
EASE 5 - Essential Training
The 3-day EASE 5 training will cover all important features in EASE 5 JR and Standard, and will briefly demonstrate advanced modules in EASE 5 Pro, e.g. AURA and EARS. The course is designed for new EASE users as well as EASE 4 users.
A full feature evaluation software license will be provided so attendees can explore the software fully, even if they own a simpler version, or don’t own the software yet.
Akustische Simulation und Beschallungsplanung
Das Seminar wendet sich an Sachverständige, Ingenieure, Tonmeister, Elektrofachplaner sowie alle, die mit der Planung und dem Betrieb von Beschallungsanlagen in öffentlichen Räumen und Veranstaltungssälen direkt oder indirekt zu tun haben. Vorausgesetzt werden Grundkenntnisse der Akustik und der Beschallungstechnik und der dort verwendeten Messtechnik.
How can I purchase without my company's T&Cs?
Please understand that for purchases up to a certain amount we cannot accept third party T&Cs, as this would not justify the expenses for lawyer honorariums to formally review these.
We would be glad if one of the following alternatives could work for you to process the purchase: