AFMG Licensing System
All AFMG Software excluding EASE 5:
With all our software we offer a very flexible and generous licensing system. All AFMG software is made available through an international license server, which provides many additional benefits for both single users and larger offices. The little trick which makes AFMG licenses so flexible is the so-called “User Key”, a little piece of data which is used to unlock/activate the software you have installed on your PC.
- You can install the software on as many PCs as you want.
- One license can have as many User Keys as you want (and buy).
- User Keys of the same license can be transferred (upload/download) between PCs unlimited times by uploading/downloading to/from our licensing server.
- Each PC, on which you install an AFMG software, “remembers” the License ID (or User ID) of that software.
- On this PC you can “download a User Key" of the referring license from our server. The server checks out one of the User Keys you have purchased and stores, how many User Keys are downloaded at the same time.
- When you finish your work work, you can upload the User Key back to our server. Now this PC cannot use the software but the User Key is freed on our server to be downloaded again to this or another OC anywhere in the world.
- You can also keep the software operational by not uploading the User Key back to our server. This is useful if you want to take your laptop to a place without internet access but still need to use the software. This way, the User Key will not be returned to our server and nobody else will be able to download this User Key to another PC.
- However, if your license has several User Keys, users of this license stored on their PC will share the same “pool” of User Keys.
- Sometimes companies like to keep different user groups / PCs apart, for example different departments or economically independent branches. Then it makes sense to purchase separate licenses. This will result in separate pools of User Keys.
- A “pool” could be as small as one User Key only or as large as you like to.
- You can purchase additional User Keys for each pool any time later on.
With our software we offer a very flexible and generous licensing system. All AFMG software is made available through an international license server, which provides many additional benefits for both single users and larger offices.
- You can install the software on as many PCs as you want.
- The software can be activated and used on only one PC at a time.
- The license can be transferred to other PCs unlimited times by deactivating/activating the license via our licensing server.
- When you finish your work, you can deactivate the license. Now this PC cannot use the software but the license is freed on our server to be activated again on another PC anywhere in the world.
- You can also keep the software operational by not deactivating it. This is useful if you want to take your laptop to a place without Internet access, but still need to use the software. This way no one else will be able to activate the license on another PC.