Learn EASE


With the help of the Learn EASE 5 page you will get an easy introduction to our new software. Whether you are a newcomer or an advanced user, there are helpful tips and tricks for everyone.

Work through our Study Guides and Featured Tutorials to realize your first project or dig through our FAQs to get detailed information on topics of choice.

Video Tutorials

New Workflows

Workflows in EASE enabled by the Acousteer real-time simulation engine

Discover how the revolutionary Acousteer transforms acoustic design workflows, enabling instant feedback, seamless collaboration, and unprecedented creative possibilities.

EASE 5 - State-of-the-art assessment of speech intelligibility

EASE 5 provides the complete toolset for standard-compliant evaluation and optimization of Speech Transmission Index (STI) values.

EASE 5 - High-resolution EASE GLL data for 22 musical instruments

A high-resolution acoustic characteristics of musical instruments as sound sources are now available as GLL data files for use in EASE 5 simulations.

Study Guides

Frequently Asked Questions

Papers & Publications

Sound immission modeling of open-air sound systems (Paper)
This paper addresses the modeling of sound emission by open-air sound systems and shows that required data can be computed in EASE or EASE Focus and transferred to environmental noise software.

Methods and Limitations of Line Source Simulation (Paper)
The paper presents an approach of modeling line array sound radiation in a modern and highly accurate way based on EASE SpeakerLab.

Sound Reinforcement Engineering: Fundamentals and Practice (Book)
Wolfgang Ahnert & Frank Steffen. (2000). Sound Reinforcement Engineering: Fundamentals and Practice.

Digitally Steered Columns: Comparison of Different Products by Measurement and Simulation (Paper)
S. Feistel, A. Goertz, "Digitally Steered Columns: Comparison of Different Products by Measurement and Simulation", presented at the 135th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, J. Audio Eng. Soc. (Abstracts), convention paper 8935 (2013 Oct.).

ISO 3382-1:2009 (Standard)
ISO 3382-1:2009: Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 1: Performance spaces

Merging EASE for sound reinforcement systems and CAESAR for room acoustics (Paper)
Ahnert, Wolfgang; Feistel, Stefan; Olson, Bruce C.; Schmitz, Oliver; Vorländer, Michael: Merging EASE for sound reinforcement systems and CAESAR for room acoustics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Volume 110, 2001, Page 2747-2747;

Real-World Applications

We introduce this new section where you can browse selected examples to see how acousticians, consultants, design engineers, installation companies and other professionals realize challenging projects around the world with the help of AFMG software solutions. We are working on gradually bringing them online.

This historic venue has been physically extended and acoustically transformed, setting a new benchmark for design and sound excellence in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Putting auralization to the test as an acoustic tool: How room-acoustic simulations have been shown to match real acoustic data.

Acoustic challenges and solutions of reaching the high life-safety standards in evacuation scenarios of the extensive WestConnex road tunnel network in Sydney.

Application of EASE acoustic simulation to the design of a loudspeaker configuration and acoustic enhancement system by Amadeus Acoustics.

Application of EASE 5 and AFMG FIRmaker to optimize STI in the auditorium of the cultural institution Fondazione MAST in Bologna, Italy.


  • Jannik Enders

    "EASE 5 is a big step forward. The completely new user interface combined with lots of useful tools and further improved simulation modules allow for much more intuitive and effective workflows."

    Jannik Enders, Akustik Bureau Dresden
  • Jeroen Geraerts

    “We are currently using EASE 4 in our company and I must say I'm very happy with the changes in EASE 5. The workflow is much faster and more intuitive.”

    Jeroen Geraerts , Solufak BV
  • Luis Pique

    “EASE 5 provides swift simulation preparation, seamless integration with SketchUp, and visually stunning results, which make it perfect for creating high-quality reports. Its user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience for beginners and professionals, making it a valuable asset for your acoustic simulation needs.”

    Luis Pique, PK and Associates LTD
  • Brad Lyons

    “EASE 5 is a game changer offering easy to use, intuitive tools and modern workflows. Not only is the ability to import a 3D DWG into EASE 5 out of Vectorworks Spotlight a huge time-saver, but it keeps the consistency throughout all of my engineering programs and allows me to deliver stunning visual content of acoustics and loudspeakers analysis alike, in both 2D and 3D, that every one of my clients can easily understand.“

    Brad Lyons, HOWAVL
  • Maxence Castelain

    “Thanks to the AFMG Team for being “agile” with this new version of EASE. It’s reassuring to see that AFMG is taking the user’s feedback into account and continuously upgrades its software with top voted remarks. There has been a lot of new upgrades in few months since the first version that I get, and everything is going on the good direction!”

    Maxence Castelain , Arbane Group
  • Janko headshot

    “Congratulations to the AFMG team for excellent work on EASE 5 so far! The new technology and approach is highly appreciated, visualization and UX is great!”

    Janko Vodopija, MODO d.o.o.
  • M. Ziska, Graner Partner Ingenieure GmbH

    “EASE 5 makes it easy to create audience areas and align loudspeakers. You can easily orientate yourself in the model at any time, which not only helps when working on the project but also enables a clear presentation for customers.”

    Melanie Ziska, Acoustics engineer
  • Benedikt Kühne

    “We’re happy to rely on EASE 5 as efficient tool for standard-conform STI and RT calculations. This is how we support the technical planners and architects in an efficient and cost-saving way.”

    Benedikt Kühle, Ingenieurbüro Ostendorf & Partner GmbH & Co. KG
  • Kylan Bowden

    “EASE 5 greatly simplifies the process of creating and navigating around a 3D model. I was able to quickly learn the new interface and create predictions to help us design a system, and help the customer visualize the end-product.”

    Kylan Bowden, Canfield Systems Inc.

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